Friday 30 December 2011

Main Post 1: Conventions of an opening sequence

The opening sequence to any film is a key part as it sets the standard and the tone of the film about to be shown, this helps grabs the audience's attention and will make them instantly forget everything else and focus on the film before them. Therefore it was only right I research into popular opening sequences to see what works and what has the better effect on audiences. By researching into different opening sequences it will help me find out what is conventional for different genres and what I should put in my short film's opening to convey my chosen genre. 
Casino Royale
I watch the film ‘Casino Royale’ the more recent version released in 2006 which was the twenty first film in the James Bond series, which are all know for being action-thriller-drama. The animated sequence lasts for just over three minutes which includes images relating to the film setting up a number of narrative themes. The conventions used to show the genres of the film include the mis-en-scene as in the opening sequence you are able to see cards - or the symbols and patterns of the cards, and guns which is usually signified with gambling and gangsters which is regularly seen in an action film. The editing used also helps represent the genre having the backing music to the opening sequence 'You know my name' which in itself is a confident title the song's main notes are played throughout the film as a substitute for the James Bond theme, to represent Bond's youth and inexperience as opposed to the twenty other films showing him in later years. The classic theme tune which is usually a sound motif for the other films only plays during the end credits to signal the climax of his character, the soundtrack is all very dramatic showing the drama of the genre.

Here are screen grabs taken from the opening credits.

Confessions Of A Shopaholic
I thought I would look into a different genre than 'Casino Royale's' action-adventure so I could see a wide range of conventions used not only in one genre, also as 'Casino Royale' is more animated then real footage I thought I would choose the opposite . Like the majority of films 'Confessions of a shopaholic' starts by showing the companies producing the film with backing music that carries on through whilst there is an opening shot of glittery shoes in a box with lots of bright tissue paper on the floor which is usually signified with women which is also anchored by the title 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' with shopping and bright colours usually being signified with women. The shot of the title is also in pink which connotes femininity, the theme of pink continues through the sequence as the cast and some of the crews name appears also in pink. The opening music is very different to 'Casino Royale' as 'Casino Royale's' opening theme has a mystery behind it yet with the song being called 'You know my name' which is almost arrogant unlike 'Confessions of a shopaholic' which has an almost unrecognisable song. Unlike 'Casino Royale' there is a voice over of what would appear to be the main character and from her voice we understand she's a women explaining her love of shopping and how it started setting the tone for the movie telling the audience it will involve shopping and expensive prices, perhaps showing us the dilemma also.  The lighting changes throughout the opening sequence hinting at the mood of the character, as it shows the young 'Rebecca' who is dressed by her mother the lighting is natural and slightly dull which is anchored by 'Rebecca’s' opinion of her mother's dress sense, however when it's a more mature older 'Rebecca' in her twenties the lighting seems more artificial but also goes with her mood as she's smiling whilst strutting down the street. There is a variety of shots used also to show her location which helps the audience place her and also a high angle shot to show her vulnerability in any shop, there is also her point of view as she looks at herself in the mirror showing her to almost be vain but proud of herself which helps the audience get a sense of her personality.
Here are the screen grabs I have taken from watching the film.