Thursday 23 February 2012

Main Post 2: Choosing your genre

Looking at secondary market research I have been able to find out what is currently the top film genre's which will be useful to me as I will therefore have an idea of what would be a suitable decision when it came to choosing the genre for my film.

I looked at the website where I was able to find a graph of the most popular film genres;

Where it was revealed that the top 3 film genre's where;
Drama 30.7%
Action-Adventure 16.2%
Romance 12.4%
I looked into other websites and found that the demand for these genre's had been consistant so it would be in my film's best interest if I were to pick one of the top 3 genre's as it would have a greater chance at success.

Using the information from numerous websites we have decided to make our film fit the Drama genre, the reasons for this is it's always in the top 3 for popular genre and also we thought that trying to make an Action-Adventure would be far to expensive and we did not have access to the correct equiptment or technology to film it. We also thought about Romance or Horror however we thought it would be to difficult to show in our opening sequence.

Here is an image of what our questionaire looked like;
We made 20 of these questionaires so our results would be more accurate and have a wider range in comparrion to 3 however we did make the questionaire slightly bias by only asking the age group from 19-24. Our feedback from the questionaire showed us that drama was a popular choice due to it being realistic and it appeared to be what our audience wanted to see more of. Therefore it would only seem appropriate to go with what our audiences wanted and wished to see more of. We all as a group like dramas so we ourselves thought it would be a fun challenge trying to make a powerful opening sequence that appealed to audiences. More then half of the people we asked all said that the things they usually expected in a good opening sequence is an introduction to the characters, possibly hint at the location and get the basis of the story-line. This was very helpful as when it comes to deciding what to put in our opening sequence we would consider what our target audience had said made a good one.

In our group we decided we would each ask 5 people to fill out the questionaire which would mean our results would differ. We then spoke about our findings in the group and created a tally chart using our primary research so the information would be easier to read. 

Using our questionaire we found out many usful pieces of information such as; when it comes to 18-25 year olds the most popular genre is Drama followed closely by Action, all throughout our questionaire Sci-fi was the least popular. Our questionaire seemed to show that everyone said they liked the genre Drama, they explained this was because they found the way the sound track linked to the mood of the character interesting and they enjoy how dramatic the genre was and found the tension addicting.

When it comes to the opening sequence of a film everyone on the questionaire said they expected to be introduced to the characters and location and for the tone of the film to be set. This is crucial to remember as we know what our audience expect and what we need to include when it comes to filming our own opening sequence. It appeared that everyone wanted to see more of the addicting dramas because of its popular storylines. All of this information shows us that drama is what is expected and is not only popular from our questionaire but our group also, who look forward to making dramas.