Monday 26 March 2012

Main Post 3: Research into opening sequence designs

For my research into opening sequence designs I decided to watch the Kyle Cooper interview in hopes of gaining new ideas for my opening sequence. The Kyle Cooper interview was very insightful as it helped me get a better insight into the importance of an opening sequence and exactly how much thought and planning is needed to produce an opening sequence and there is a huge industry purely focusing on producting an opening sequence.

We watched the title sequences in both 'Se7en' and 'Superman' which were both well planned however the sequence did depend on CGI (Computer Graphic Images) which gave them the ability to create more effects and changes to there opening sequence then we would be able to as we are limited to resources and are unable to use the software.
However just because we are unable to use CGI does not mean we can't use our editing skills to make our opening sequence interesting for the viewer, we will be able to use effects to create atmosphere such as fades and ajusting the colours.
 Watching both 'Superman' and 'Se7en' showed us that sometimes being adventurous and taking risks whilst making our opening sequence could be the best style of an opening sequence if we were able to pull it off as it would interest our viewers and grab there attention. Since the opening sequence gives the viewers an idea of what the film's plotline will be the opening sequence has to be impressive. I found that by watching the Kyle Cooper interview it has given me new ideas that I will think about trying to incorporate into my opening sequence.

Here are the links to the interview;

Kyle Cooper interview part 1
Kyle Cooper interview part 2