Tuesday 18 October 2011

Post 6: Shot list and storyboard

Shot list

Shot size

Charley is standing outside the library, holding her stomach looking upset and staring at the piece of paper she is holding.We want this shot because we want Charley to appear vulnerable. 
High angel
Medium long shot (MLS)
Charley walks into the library.
The reason behind this shot was so you  get an idea about the location she was in.
Long shot (LS)
Bobbi spots Charley and waves at her and calls her over. We used a medium long shot so the audience can see both Charley and Bobbi in the shot and so you are able to see what's taking place around them.
Medium long shot (MLS)

Charley, Katie and Bobbi all sat at the table together, this sets the scene of where the conversations are going to take place. A medium shot will be used so emotions and body language can still be seen but so you can also see everyone in the frame.
Medium shot (MS)

Bobbi comforts Charley, says bye to them both then walks off out of the shot so that it’s just Katie and Charley left at the table.We will use a medium long shot so you see her walking off set and see Charley's reaction to her leaving.
Medium close up (MCU)

Charley starts crying as she is becoming more and more upset as she knows she has to tell Katie the news. We will use an extreme close up to show Charley crying.
Extreme Close up (ECU)
Katie keeps asking why Charley is upset. We will have a close up on Katie’s facial expression to show her confusion and hurt to Charley's blunt behaviour.
Close up (CU)
Charley tells Katie she is pregnant with Katie's boyfriend's baby. We will use a close up to show her running make-up and how much it hurts her to admit the truth.
Close up (CU)
Katie gets angry and slams her hands on the table. We will use a medium close up to show her facial expression and her hands so you can see the anger she holds for Charley.
Medium close up
Charley repeatedly says sorry trying to calm Katie down. We will use a medium close up to show her facial expressions and body movement.
Medium shot (MS)
Katie tells Charley to get out. A medium shot will help us show Katie body movement of her pointing towards the door and her emotion.
Medium shot (MS)
This shot is Charley walking out a ¾ shot will show the location and also the door will be visible. 
¾ shot
In this final shot we will have Charley slamming the door a medium shot shows Charley walking out.
Medium long shot (MLS)


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