Tuesday 8 November 2011

Post 7: Additional Pre-Production Documentation

Location Recce: The main location of our project will be inside and outside of the school's library. 

Risk assessment
Risk assessments are important so we are able to identify possible risks whilst in the process of filming, this makes everyone cautious whilst on set. There is the obvious risk of not knowing what to do if a fire was to happen, so we made sure everyone was aware of the two possible fire exits if the fire alarm was to disrupt filming.

The carpet by the door
Coming into the library there is a large mat on the floor, this is a possible hazard as one of us could trip over it especially Charley who will be having to run out of the door. This could lead to broken equipment or an injury with an actor. Overcoming this hazard is easy by simply making sure the mat is stuck down onto the floor correctly and by making everyone away of it's existence.

There are also lose wires and open sockets around the library which is a hazard as one of the cast or crew could trip over it if not careful. To avoid any accidents we should make sure they are put away if possible  or tapped down. 

The chair and table leg's.
Whilst we are filming we could possibly trip over a chair or table leg, especially Bobbi or Charley who get up from the table and leave. The way to stop this from happening is to get the actors to practice getting up and down from the chairs and placing them so that they don't have to move them when they leave.

The tripod not being set up correctly could cause the camera to fall during filming. This can be stopped by making sure the tripod and camera are secure when filming and making sure that whoever is in charge of the camera at that point in time knows how to set it up properly.

Shooting schedule

Start time.
Tuesday 11th October 2011

1 and 2
All shots completed.

Mise-En-Scene Description

Set design/Location.
For our preliminary task we have been set the continuity task which we decided to film in the library and one of the hallway's in our school. The reason for our choice in setting was it was very realistic as for our task we have chosen to do a short clip about three girls attending sixth form who are living there normal life. Therefore the library achieves the idea of a realistic and real school. We will not need to change any of the mie-en-scene as we will be surrounded by books. The library is very large and there is enough room for filming. There also are desks in the library which we aim to be using along with the chairs.   

During our filming we will use a letter, a desk with books, paper and pens on, three chairs place around the table for each girl. These props all help us create the feeling of three girls studying in a library. We also made sure to keep the continuity by taping down the props.

The library has natural light, and there are numerous small windows around the library that regularly give light and also a door that will give us natural lighting from the corridor. There is also artificial lighting from numerous lights on the ceiling that we plan to use if the natural light isn’t bright enough.

Character movement
At the beginning of the filming, Charley will be standing outside the corridor holding a letter; she will then walk into the library. Bobbi will see Charley and calls her over then Bobbi will leave Katie-Mai and Charley remain at the table and argue. Charley then runs out and slams the door, when then will cut to credits.We have chosen this movement as it is very realistic to what teenage girls would do and how they would behave.

During our filming we will use a letter, a desk with books, paper and pens on, three chairs place around the table for each girl. These props all help us create the feeling of three girls studying in a library. To also make sure the continuity is kept we made sure to tape down the props.

Taylor: We didn't want her to stand out too much so we made her a tomboy in comparison to Alice's 'girly' image and Chantelle 'chav' stereotype, there was no make-up needed for this character and overall the character's image worked well when filming.

Alice: We wanted her to look sweet and fun and natural in comparison to Charley's character Chantelle I believe this did work as there was an obvious contrast between characters and the outfit worked well with the character.
Chantelle: We tried to keep it in the stereotype of a 'chav' and with her make-up we believe we did create a realistic look for her character. 

Hair and make-up
Bobbi: Hair: Tied up      Make-up: N/A
Katie-Mai: Hair: straightened down     Make-up: natural
Charley:Hair: Tied up    Make-up: "Fake" stereotypical Essex.

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