Sunday 27 November 2011

Post 12: Evidence of how to improve and meet targets

- Make sure that when we have schedualed to film that there are no problems with the location be it the space is unavaliable or there are people to close to the camera. This site is targeted for a larger production however the tips still apply and next time around i intend to look at more then one location and scout around.
- Try to keep within time limits so if there are any scenes that could be refilmed we have the choice or if any other problems happen to appear. Although this site isn't exactly talking about managing time for filming the principles still apply and I found the tips helpful so for my next task I will hopefully have managed my time better.

- Create the script with more detail and emotion so that the finished product looks realistic, which would hopefully help with the our acting also. Although these tips are aimed at an ameture screen play writer the principles still apply and I found them helpful and I intend to use these tips for the next task so the script is more powerful.

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