Tuesday 22 November 2011

Post 8: Pre-production report

When it came to filming it wasn't a great start, the day we were asked to film our location (the library) was unavailable due to a class using the facility, we decided that it wouldn't be worth filming due to background noise and unwanted people which could effect the continuity in the frame so we re-arranged the date of filming to Tuesday 11th October. However when there we did notice that it was occupied by a student and a teacher having a meeting but we started to film hoping things would work, we soon  realized they were to close and the camera was picking up their voices so we kindly asked them to move slightly further away and then filming seemed to run smoothly.

The filming went quite well overall we managed to produce all the needed shots that we had originally discussed in a limited amount of time and luckily we didn't need to go back and film any extras. There were a few mistakes during filming such as during the extreme close up for Charley we had to film a few times to get it exactly right especially due to her make-up  also when Charley was walking towards Bobbi we did have a slight continuity error but we couldn't quite get the right take. Whilst filming we also had a countdown to three and a clapper board, this giving us time to get into character and also when it came to editing we had time on each end of the clip to edit. 
There were many reasons why overall the filming went well one of the reasons I believe was because of how we worked well as a team and were therefore organised as we split the duties between us, this making us be prepared for filming I believe if we hadn't worked well then it would have taken longer to film. We made sure to take our time when filming trying to stick to the storyboard as much as possible, the shot list helped us make sure we filmed the appropriate shot this meant we wouldn't have to spend extra time re-filming. Working well as a team was important and the main thing we always did was communicate, if someone didn't understand or if they needed help then we always helped each other out.
I believe the footage we shot was very good although there were obviously some changes that could have been made such as the camera moved making the scene jump and we unfortunately only realised this at the end after we had edited so there was not enough time to go back and change it. Another error we only unfortunately realised at the end was when Charley runs out of the room, there appears to be a jump cut that we didn't want, this mistake should have been redone but of course we ran out of time. We tried the best to our abilities to edit these mistakes so that it flows better, when it came to the editing suite we had no problems and we did address the mistakes which next time we film we will make sure to not make the same mistakes again as we don’t want unplanned jump cuts. I think we did complete the continuity task well as there are no dramatic time laps and when it came to shot reverse shot we made sure to keep in line with the 180 degree rule, overall we did complete the task well.

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