Tuesday 8 January 2013

MAIN Post 12.5: How did you attract/address your audience?

I believe our film in quite unique in many ways and that's probably why our audience is attracted to 'Behind Blue Eyes'. There is the ultimate friendship between Paige and Sophie which is very relate-able to our target audience, everyone has that one best friend they've known forever that they have the best memories with. This makes the audience have an emotional link to Sophie and Paige because they can understand what it was like to be young - or at their age, and have the best friend that's like a sibling to you, you fight and argue and go through many problems together but are still together. Our target audience is between the ages 15 to later 20's and we were sure to get audience feedback from them as well as from a slightly higher age demographic who could see it from a mother's point of view more then the child's. By listening to our audience feedback we were able to grasp a good understanding of what our whole target audience might think of it, we had the slightly older individuals tell us what they thought on their own so that we could have a contrast between them and our target audience.

Whilst I was researching The British Board of Film Classification (bbfc) when looking into other films in our genre and how the plot line effected the rating, I started to become curious as to what classification 'Behind Blue Eyes would receive.' Looking between 'Behind Blue Eyes' and other films in the genre of drama I would say that it would more then likely receive the rating of 12 or a 12A. I wouldn't give it a higher rating due to 15 film's usually including sexual arousal and activity which 'Behind Blue Eyes' does not include, it only hints at the relationship between Alan and Sophie. The reasoning behind it not being lower then a 12 is because it bring's up a controversial issue of sexual grooming which could be offensive to younger viewers and although there is no sexual activity between the victim and abuser it is still suggested, making 'Behind Blue Eyes' unfit for a U or PG rating. The rating of our film could work in our favour as our target audience would appreciate a higher rating then a U or PG as it would stop small children from watching and would give it a more mature theme. It's also attractive to not put it as a 15 because some people might not be able to get in because they don't look old enough even if they are from our target audience. Therefore I believe putting our film as a 12A would attract our target audience because that is the more likely classification they would watch as well as the emotional links and the ability to put yourself in the characters shoes.

bbfc website link

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