Tuesday 8 January 2013

MAIN Post 12.6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Since the preliminary task I've been using many different types of technology and learning how to use or become more confident with various computer programmes or handheld devices. 

One of the major things I used was obviously a camera, it is an essential piece of technology as whilst filming as you need it to capture the footage. I learnt a lot using the camera as it although was a small handheld it made me start to notice if I had the correct frames, lighting and sound. 

The most obvious new piece of technology I've been working with in the past months would be blogger. I've completed many tasks and posts on here making sure to include all of the work I've done in class or in preparation for filming. I've learnt how to create a blogger, upload photographs, insert links and change or edit posts.

I have also used Adobe Premier a programme which was crucial when it came to editing our opening sequence and our preliminary task. I've grown more confident with this programme and can now cut and adjust clips, edit sound as well as place background music into a clip.

YouTube was another important social media site that I used. I learnt how to upload video clips such as our audience feedback and the completed version of 'Behind Blue Eyes'. I also discovered how to embed into blogger, you simply copy the embed code and paste it into blogger, this would not work for me however no matter how many times I attempted.

I've learnt how to use a flip camera, a piece of equipment used for recording our audience feedback. I've learnt that you can also record voice clips instead of with a video. 

Powerpoint has helped me when creating collages of photographs. I've learnt how to save images or transfer them to JPEG files which is done by changing their format. I've definitely grown more confident in this area. 

I've used a variety of technology and I believe I can say they have all helped a great deal when it came to producing 'Behind Blue Eyes.'

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