Friday 11 May 2012

MAIN Post 12a:Evaluation - Audience Feedback

After finishing our opening of a short film, we then had to find out about our target audience's opinions. We selected various mixed groups of people from our target audience to watch our film and after we recorded the feedback from each group. I tried to embed the video's however I once again had the same problem with the links as I did whilst uploading my film in a previous post. Below are the links to the feedback from each group.

Watching this feedback back I was able to summaries what we did well and what we could have improved on. By asking our target audience and also a slightly higher demographic I was able to collect a variety of opinions, however I was surprised that they all enjoyed the same things with only a few flaws picked out.

At the very beginning of our opening sequence there is a graphical title sequence that used a range of panning shots over a variety of maths equipment, this was apparently captivating for the audience and helped to create an atmosphere helping set the mood as well as sparking their curiosity. They also picked up on the importance of the maths text book stopping over Sophie's name realising she would be the main character in the film which they found helpful as it gave an introduction to Sophie. It also was commented on that with the maths props could signify the possible plot involving teenage pressures that the character Sophie would go through.

Another point that was picked up on in the graphical titles was the backing music. They felt the music helped them become intrigued and set the mood calling it 'dark and misleading' for it's slow tempo. The mood was also created by the pace of the music which went well with the fade in's and out's that were happening on the screen. The mood seemed to be constantly talked about meaning kept with the typical convention of a drama. Another audience feedback film goes on to call the mood of the film spooky and was very impressed with our attention to detail. 

One of the points that again the majority of our audience agreed on was the scene of Paige and Sophie getting into Alan's car. They believed the close up shots of Sophie's body went well with the voice over and the extreme close up shots of Alan's eyes as he glanced at her through the window. It made the female audience somewhat uncomfortable as they put themselves in Sophie's shoes commenting on how they have worn their ties lose and skirts short also. 

Finally we asked our target audience where they believed the film's plot line would lead to. There was a range of comments but with the help of the voice over the audience all came to the same conclusion of the two girls being in danger from Alan. However it could be argued that the female audience were slightly more intuitive about what was about to happen next as they guessed that the film would include a 'rapist', 'sexual violence' or 'grooming' in comparison to the male audience who were not sure what would happen only knowing that it involved Sophie's maths tutor concerning a 'misunderstanding'. I believe overall we got a large amount of positive feedback showing our film to be a success with our chosen target audience.

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