Friday 11 May 2012

Main Post 8: Pre-Production Documentation

Our group designed a college of various locations for us to consider and use when filming, below is the image which shows various specific objects that we would have to consider putting in our film.

Our group decided on a location and continued to do a location recce of Paige's bedroom. Below is an image of our location recce which also includes information on things we would have to consider when filming in this location including; permission, power and lighting.
After considering the location of our film we also had to figure out the costume design, trying to represent our characters the best we could.We researched the costume for the three main characters Paige, Alan and Sophie as seen below.

As the opening titles of our film would include props that would specifically link to our main character Sophie, our group also researched into what props we would use focusing around Sophie and Alan's relationship that forms over maths. Below is an image of the props we considered using in our opening titles.

We then proceeded to create a shot list for our opening sequence which shows the basic information of our film, including; the scene the shot is in, the description of the shot, the scene of the shots and the names that would appear in the titles. Below are images of our shot list that we created.

Below is also a copy of our script if you click on the image, our script includes the voice over of Alan and Paige and Sophie's line's.

Risk assessments where made to make sure no one was injured during filming, below is an image of our group's risk assessment showing the risk that was apparent and what we would do to avoid it.

Here is a crew list so that all the members of our group were aware of there role when it came to not only filming but producing also.
Katie-Mai Taylor: Actor(Sophie) and an editor
Bobbi Rhodes: Camera operator, Editor and Producer.
Charley Daugherty: Camera operator and Director
Alexandra Mullins: Actor(Paige) and an editor

To make sure that we were organised we created a shooting schedule that suited everyone's schedule, the schedule shows the description of each scene we filmed.

Below is the group synopsis it is a screenshot from my work in post 4a, it tells the plot line and background information on our characters.

We also produced a storyboard to show the shots in every scene which did have an illustration to show what the shot looked like. It also gives information on the length of the shot and the characters movement. Below is our storyboard.

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