Thursday 10 May 2012

Main Post 4a: Plot development

Below is the plot development that my group created to show the characters, narrative and plot in more detail so we could get a better grasp on our film's storyline and what stages our plot line will go through.

Our group researched timelines and found this website  to be the most informative. It gave us the needed information on film timelines and we created two timelines one being from a well known disney film 'Cinderella' and the other for our film 'Behind Blue Eyes'.

Here is the timeline for 'Cinderella' that we created;

Below is the timeline for 'Behind Blue Eyes' that we created also;

The title of our film is ‘Behind Blue Eyes’ and it falls into the social realism drama genre. Our target audience for this film are people specifically between the ages of 15 to late 20’s.

The logline for our film - a sentence under 25 words that summarises the film, is;
“Her skirt was short, her tie was loose. They always look older than they actually are….don’t they?”

A young girl aged 16 – Sophie, is best friends with Paige aged 17. Sophie mum is a carefree single parent and her father has never been in the picture. Paige’s father is also a single parent when Paige’s mother died during child birth; the two girls have grown close through the loss of parents. The girls often hangout at one another’s houses and do homework and have sleepovers and therefore they trust each other’s parents.

It begins with a male voice over who has not yet been revealed, there is a shot of Sophie and Paige in Paige’s bedroom doing homework and gossiping. Sophie quickly goes to the bathroom and whilst washing her hands rolls up her long sleeved top and shows bruising and red hand marks. Sophie goes back into the bedroom and they continue on with homework until Sophie realises that its 18:00 and she has to go home.

Paige tries to talk Sophie into grabbing a lift with her dad trying to get away from him for a couple of minutes (making the audience question why she wants her father out of the way). Paige finally guilt trips Sophie into grabbing a lift with her father.

Sophie gets into the car with him and he starts driving and talking to her whilst touching her, she starts doubting the whole relationship and says it’s not right making the father angry. He turns things around on her making her feel guilty telling her it’s all her thought she wanted the relationship to happen (though it is obviously lies and actually the father that has been encouraging the relationship). She gets out of the car.

Sophie and Paige meet up in town and Sophie can’t take the guilt any longer and confesses her relationship with Paige’s father to her then Paige confesses to Sophie how he also has been physically abusing her. The girls are both upset and worried so tell Sophie’s mum who doesn’t believe that the father could do such a thing leaving the children vulnerable about what the father might do next. Sophie and her mother have a dramatic argument. So go to the police station and explain everything that’s happened even against the mother’s wishes, the father is arrested and taken in.

The Father is taken to prison where he receives counselling where it is revealed that it is his story by showing him talking to the counsellor.

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