Friday 11 May 2012

MAIN Post 9: Production

Whilst filming 'Behind Blue Eyes' and editing our footage we came across various points where we would all have to make decisions and as a group agree that the decisions would be in the best interest of our film. In the end the various decisions we made were in fact helpful in making our film a success.

One of the larger decisions that we agreed on was shortening our opening sequence taking out the scene in Paige's bedroom and later on the scene of Sophie being dropped home by Paige and Alan. The reason behind the cut in scenes was we believed that by changing the location of the scene from the girl's school to Paige's house would make the audience believe the opening titles were finished and the film had started. So we replaced the scenes with a scene of Sophie and Paige walking to Alan's car with Alan eying Sophie up anchoring the voice over describing her shirt and skirt. We found that this was more effective and powerful then jumping straight to the film helping set the atmosphere of the film for the audience which I believe worked very well. 

We also completely cut out a shot where we intended to put a camera in Sophie's locker so you could see her unhappy expression about going to maths, the locker would then slam leaving the black background where the title 'Behind Blue Eyes' would appear. However during the editing process we discovered that the title looked better after that whilst the screen fades to black, also it was difficult keeping the continuity when closing the locker with the background.

There was also the decision of making the opening titles a graphical sequence, using a variety of objects that helped show the math theme we decided that there were an awful lot of plain objects which could bore the audience. We fixed this problem by using bright coloured pencils shooting them from various angles so not to get confused during editing.We also had to make sure the opening titles didn't go on for too long but they had to go on long enough to fit all the titles in. From our research into opening titles we found out that the majority of the opening titles appeared in the opening titles and not the end of the film, trying to be as conventional as possible we agreed to keep most of the titles at the beginning of the film. However we couldn't put all four of our names on everything so we made names up or suggested a specific title for one another making it more realistic for our audience. The titles where difficult to position and it took all of group various attempts to get it right due to the font being white it needed to be on a black background to make the titles stand out however not take the attention aware from what was happening in the background.

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